Land of Eight Million Gods
Half Moon Bay – Memorial Day 2009
Anemone Mussels, barnacles and snails! Close up of mussels Sunflower starfish Sea Urchins Sea Urchin in their cubby hole A lot of cubby holes full of Sea Urchins Starfish – black/purple Starfish – orange Macro closeup of orange starfish Macro closeup of purple starfish Blue Snail shell Tide pools! Had to get up early early and get to Half-moon Bay/ Moss Beach for low-tide. From there we spent 3 hours during low-tide walking around on the tide pools checking out all sorts of amazing things that are hidden by the regular tides. Apparently during Memorial day, low-tide is at it’s lowest so we had a crowd of kids, teenagers and adults all wandering around to observe aquatic nature.
The Pioneer Woman had these great simple instructions to build a raised vegetable bed. I built a smaller version with 2×6’s cut at 4 feet length. Then doubled the height. You can’t tell but there’s hardware cloth underneath. When strawberry production slows down in winter, I’ll re-do this right and put some commercial grade weed cover under the hardware cloth to deter gophers further. They can’t break through it currently, but it hasn’t stopped them from trying.
Taken with my new & used macro 60mm f/2.8 lens.