Category: Photos

  • Canon 77D

    Bought this refurb off Canon site. I was thinking about buying it new last year and saw the end of year refurb clearance deal. Finally replaced my ancient 2008 Canon Xsi which was fine except the sensor limitations in low-light conditions.

  • Gardens


    One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.

    William Shakespeare


  • Moss Beach

    Moss Beach

    A revisit to underwater aquatic life.


  • Spain, Barcelona 2010, part 2

    Spain, Barcelona 2010, part 2

    So if you have not noticed I updated the theme on this site to one that is much easier to manage than the last one.  Also I figured out how to get Flickr to play nicely with WordPress so you may see more updates here!

    The lack of updates is due to having a new kid and a new job.  I am not traveling much these days but I have a huge backlog of photos I need to upload and categorize.

    Barcelona 2010, part 2

    [AFG_gallery id=’7′]